Acceptable Use Policy

The Appfarm Platform is a fully-integrated full-stack application development platform enabling seamless development, deployment, and management of web apps. To ensure the stability of both the Appfarm Platform and your solution(s), this policy outlines technical usage limits and thresholds. This policy is subject to change and comes in addition to the commercial usage limits and thresholds specified in your Appfarm Subscription Agreements.

These usage limits are in place at all times, and as a customer and/or developer you should keep these in mind as you develop and distribute your applications. Exceeding these limits may result in degraded performance and availability of your applications.

If you expect sudden or extended periods of increased traffic or data processing, or are experiencing degraded performance due to such issues, you should immediately notify Appfarm. Our expert team can then assess the need for additional resources. If the change in usage pattern is expected to be enduring, this will likely result in our recommendation to upgrade your subscription to a tier with a higher allocation of infrastructure resources. When a solution requires a substantial amount, or specialized structure, of allocated resources in our infrastructure, it must upgrade to the Dedicated subscription tier where a custom infrastructure setup can be designed.

Appfarm will continually review this policy and adjust existing limits, as well as incorporate new limits, as deemed appropriate. Appfarm developers will be notified of any major revision of this policy.

Prohibited actions

You are strictly prohibited from conducting load testing, stress testing, or any other forms of testing or activities that are designed to assess, challenge, or exceed the capabilities of our platform. Such activities can unfairly consume a significant amount of platform resources and potentially degrade the service for other users. Any attempts to perform these types of activities will be regarded as a violation of this policy. If you have questions about the resources available to your solution, platform performance, or the benefits of a custom infrastructure setup, please contact Appfarm.

Platform units

A platform unit is a measure developed by Appfarm that represents the amount of computing and memory resources allocated to a solution in Appfarm Cloud. These resources are distributed across your solution infrastructure to suit actual utilization. Platform units scale dynamically to stabilize performance, subject to the below conditions. Each subscription tier has the following allocated platform units:


Platform units




From 30


To maintain optimal solution performance and availability under peak usage, platform units can temporarily scale up to 120% of your allocated resources.

If the average resource utilization of your solution over a 24-hour period exceeds the allocated amount of platform units, this will be flagged, and we will notify you. Depending on the cause, you may need to make adjustments to your solution or consider upgrading your subscription tier.

Resource allocation by environment

The Production environment is allocated a higher percentage of the available resources. Operations that rely heavily on frequent API requests and/or have large data processing requirements should be run in the Production environment. If you deem it necessary to run such operations in an environment other than Production, please contact your Appfarm representative to discuss the optimal approach and related practical and commercial arrangements.

Increased limits due to purchase of additional user bundles

The number of users will often impact the usage of resources in the Appfarm infrastructure. All other things equal, a solution with a large number of active users will consume more resources compared to one with few users. Appfarm will allocate 2 additional platform units for each additional user bundle that is purchased per solution.

Global limits

Global limits apply to all solutions on the Appfarm Platform regardless of subscription tier.


Concurrent user sessions

50% of your total active user allotment up to a maximum of 1.000

API payload size

1 MB

Concurrent API requests


Database operations

100 per second

Concurrent user sessions The total number of active user sessions at any given time. This includes both authenticated and anonymous users.

API payload size The size of the request body sent to a service endpoint.

Concurrent API requests The number of API requests received simultaneously.

Database operations The total number of read, write, delete, and query operations performed.

Revision history



Document published.


Added section "Resource allocation by environment".


Added section "Prohibited actions".


Removed section "Limits by subscription tier" as this information is now included in the Product Glossary.

Last updated